The following are classes and events that are already on our calendar. If you don't see what you are looking for, please contact us, and we will add an event that fits your schedule and interests. Sea Kayaking Instruction, around Bar Harbor, Mount Desert, Stonington, Acadia and beyond. ACA and BCU certified instructors.
Filtering by: Foundations
This year’s event is full! Look for next year’s registration to open in January!
Join Nate Hanson, Josh Hall, Andrea Knepper, Todd Johnstone-Wright and other talented ACA Instructors and British Canoeing Coaches for a weekend of sheltered water through advanced open-water development. We aim to have fun playing in a dynamic and aesthetic environment, developing performance, building community, and breaking down barriers to paddlesport in small groups of eight paddlers. Click course title for details.
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Basic navigation is an essential skill for kayakers anywhere, but particularly on the Maine coast, where indistinct spruce-covered islands are innumerable, and the fog visits regularly. This one-day course will introduce navigational concepts and tools on land, and then progress to applying those skills from the seat of your kayak, as we take to the water in a target-rich navigation environment.
This is day three of our “Foundations” series of sea kayaking classes, providing a great progression towards becoming a competent coastal sea kayaker. Click on the course title for details.
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A day of instruction for paddlers comfortable with basic strokes and maneuvers, who are interested in basic rock gardening - paddling amongst the many fun obstacles created by the rocky Maine coastline. For details, click on the course title.
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A day of instruction for paddlers comfortable with maneuvering in calm water, who are interested in expanding their skills in moving water. We will work on the fundamental maneuvers for sea kayaking in current, including eddy turns and ferrying, and refine and apply strokes such as rudders and sweeps to execute those maneuvers with grace. This course is useful as an intro for those new to currents, or as a chance for those with previous currents training to improve finesse and understanding in a less boisterous environment. Click on course title for more details.
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Enjoy an up-close introduction to the spectacular islands and coastlines of Frenchman Bay while refining your kayaking skills. This day of coastal skills training will be offered in the context of a journey, and help you expand your flatwater paddling skills into a coastal kayaking environment.
This is day two of our “Foundations” series of sea kayaking classes, providing a great progression towards becoming a competent coastal sea kayaker. Click on the course title for details.
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This is a great place to start! During an easy-paced day on calm, warmer water, we’ll work with students to lay a foundation of paddling skills. Topics will be customized to student’s individual needs, and include equipment selection, strokes, maneuvering, bracing (avoiding capsize), rescues (recovering from capsize) and safety planning.
This is day one of our “Foundations” series of sea kayaking classes, providing a great progression towards becoming a competent coastal sea kayaker.Click on course title for details.
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Come test paddle P&H Sea Kayaks and Pyranha Whitewater Kayaks at the Ellsworth Outdoor Recreation Fair, at Ellsworth Harbor Park. Food trucks! Interactive Activities!
Come paddle various models of the P&H/Pyranha line-up to see what suits you best, or just come try paddling a kayak for the first time in your life. All are welcome. No charge.
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